Our Youtube Social Distancing Series

The global pandemic hit everyone hard. Whether it was overcrowded, overworked emergency services or the crippling isolation from family members. For us, our troupe had to cancel upcoming events and face the very real scenario that we would be separated for an unknown amount of time. We decided to take that fear and isolation and turn it into creativity and hope for those around us.

Our commitment to our craft birthed the social distancing series. Our band, all recording from home, combined with creative recording of vocalists and carefully done videos culminated in a series we are very proud of. So please take a few minutes to watch the video that started it all, and then head over to Youtube to view our entire collection as well as recordings of previous live performances. Thanks for watching!

Rogue Swan Covers: Flesh Failures/Let the Sunshine In.

Our troupe may be social distancing, but that does not stop us from bringing a little sunshine into your life. We hope you enjoy our rendition of this amazing song from the musical: Hair.

For all of our social distancing videos and more, visit our Youtube page!



Rogue Swan Enters the Silver Scream 2022


Concerts and Other Live Performances